This is a great fwd. coming to me from my very good friend Oreneta over at Oreneta Aground . She has a great post today as well BTW, dovetails in very nicely with these thoughts.
Here goes...
Australian Definition of a Canadian -Written by an Australian Dentist in response to an ad found in a Pakistan Newspaper advertising a “Reward for killing a Canadian-any Canadian...”.
“A Canadian can be English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. A Canadian can be Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, Arab, Pakistani or Afghan. A Canadian may also be a Cree, Métis, Mohawk, Blackfoot, Sioux, or one of the many other tribes known as native Canadians. A Canadians religious beliefs range from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or none. In fact, there are more Muslims in Canada than in Afghanistan. The key difference is that in Canada they are free to worship as each of them chooses. Whether they have a Religion or no religion, each Canadian ultimately answers only to God, Not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
A Canadian lives in one of the most prosperous lands in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which recognize the right of each person to the pursuit of happiness. A Canadian is generous and Canadians have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, ever asking a thing in return.
Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services and the best minds. But they also welcome the least - the oppressed, the outcast and the rejected. These are the people who built Canada.
You can try to kill a Canadian if you must as other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world have tried but in doing so you could just be killing a relative or a neighbor. This is because Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, can be a Canadian.”
And my response is...I am SO proud to be Canadian!!
Oh, I love this definition!
I'm copying it to show my kids.
It certainly does makes you feel proud to be a Canadian.
Glad you posted's pretty worthwhile. I had this exact conversation with a student as well.
Woooo hoooo I'm proud too!
Hmmmm....that same dentist apparently wrote the same letter about Americans.
Written by an Australian Dentist --- and too good to delete.
To Kill an American
You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.....
i live in canada i hate the canadian anglos as they are mostly racist and xenophobic and ignorant. even americans are better than canadians as they are not ego centric and narcisstic as canuks and canucks do not believe much in God almighty. they just love killing seals. i am a immigrant for 6 years and i can guratee you racism if you are not from a white country. people around the world believe in government foriegn policy which is very utopian makes you think canada is that ideal place. but relity is different when you experience a different nature of hospitality from those anglo skinheads. if i was hitler i would wipe out the race. unfortunately i have to be a counter racist than a gentleman here in canada ever since i immigrated. in canada gentlemen donot apply only bullies accepted. even government policies of past were racist thatis why trhey have best immigrant friendly policies now to conceal their ugly past. and do not trust their media they are the most prejudiced agianst east indians , muslims termed as brown people in globe and mail. anada may be most diverse as many canadians like to tell but they still live in their own burrows. i am not surprises why canadians are hunted inmexico as tourists, in afghanistan and in greyhound bus decapitation station in canada. they are retarded aggressive and narcisstic worse than americans which is why canadians hate americans as they suffer from huge inferoity complex from down south. and americans burned down toronto a couple of centuries ago. rthey are still stuck there in their minds. law abiding and crimeless its changing now for worse. just think of it as the macho beasts inhabiting the richest land on earth on generous government welfare (oil and mines)laid back sitting on their asses.many immigrants with brains haver already left canada because of their best restrictive licensing occupational policies for america or better pastures, by the way canadians call that brain draining as if those brains were made in canada. they are less quality concios. unless oil boosted and mines boosted canadian dollar was there canada would be a third world country like worse than africa and not a borgouis g-8 country club. thanks a million canada. we need more sleeper cells to wipe out the white skinheads here. the police is useless here. its the land of best law abiding hookers and pimps.
i live in canada i hate the canadian anglos as they are mostly racist and xenophobic and ignorant. even americans are better than canadians as they are not ego centric and narcisstic as canuks and canucks do not believe much in God almighty. they just love killing seals. i am a immigrant for 6 years and i can guratee you racism if you are not from a white country. people around the world believe in government foriegn policy which is very utopian makes you think canada is that ideal place. but relity is different when you experience a different nature of hospitality from those anglo skinheads. if i was hitler i would wipe out the race. unfortunately i have to be a counter racist than a gentleman here in canada ever since i immigrated. in canada gentlemen donot apply only bullies accepted. even government policies of past were racist thatis why trhey have best immigrant friendly policies now to conceal their ugly past. and do not trust their media they are the most prejudiced agianst east indians , muslims termed as brown people in globe and mail. anada may be most diverse as many canadians like to tell but they still live in their own burrows. i am not surprises why canadians are hunted inmexico as tourists, in afghanistan and in greyhound bus decapitation station in canada. they are retarded aggressive and narcisstic worse than americans which is why canadians hate americans as they suffer from huge inferoity complex from down south. and americans burned down toronto a couple of centuries ago. rthey are still stuck there in their minds. law abiding and crimeless its changing now for worse. just think of it as the macho beasts inhabiting the richest land on earth on generous government welfare (oil and mines)laid back sitting on their asses.many immigrants with brains haver already left canada because of their best restrictive licensing occupational policies for america or better pastures, by the way canadians call that brain draining as if those brains were made in canada. they are less quality concios. unless oil boosted and mines boosted canadian dollar was there canada would be a third world country like worse than africa and not a borgouis g-8 country club. thanks a million canada. we need more sleeper cells to wipe out the white skinheads here. the police is useless here. its the land of best law abiding hookers and pimps.
If Canadians are so offensive to you, why do you live there? Are you retarded? You do realize that Canada welcomes immigrants from all countries and offers security to them. You live in a foreign country, go to Canada and they will give you a big wad of cash so you can bring over the rest of your enormous family and buy a gas station/convenience store and take jobs away from people who were born there. Do you have an American with a gun pointed at your head forcing you to write this garbage? This is the most insane thing I think I have ever seen. Why dont you just go back to your war-torn, camel packing, sand covered land and forget all about the country that took in your sorry ass? Your "rant" makes little sense, you obviously have never been to America, the land of the biggest bunch of racist assmunches on Earth, the land of no health care relief(unlike Canada, where it is FREE!!!), the land of crime, treason, jingoism - look it up in a dictionary you ignorant dickweed - the land of the most ridiculous leader ever born and elected (yeah, if you want to call him elected honestly in the first place, what a f**king joke)the land of legalized prostitution,... I could go on for days...
You are probably some f**ked up little sand shrew that the government decided to cut off welfare because they discovered you were using the money to build your little bombs, or using it to diddle some little boys, or some sh*t. Get the fuck out of Canada if you dont like it ya retard... Im sure you wont be missed. Go back to your own goddamn country and get shot in the head, why dont you. I dont even live in Canada, and I KNOW it is THE best country in the world. Get your facts straight sand f**ker. Oh, and learn to speak and write in English and properly put a sentence together before you come to a blogger site and spew your bullsh*t, dumbass.
As a Canadian, I truy invite you to leave. It's people like you who are not wanted in this country, you ungrateful swine. And you wonder why people like you are treated the way you are? Get outta here!!!!!
As the host of this blog, I am happy that my post has recieved comments. I as a true Canadian respect the opinions of others, and I am sure and I do know that under our nascent exteriors racism does lurk I agree with both of the two last comments, but hey can't we just tone it down a bit? I don't think calling names and using abusive language furthers anyones ideas or opinions...
I do apologize for my choice of words towards anonymous/seal the fate... it just really pizzez me off when someone freely goes a different country to either escape the terrors of their own or to work or get a better education, only to bash the place that took him/her in. Im thinking he has run his mouth off and the "anglos" have just mouthed back at him. Yes, there is racism EVERYWHERE... Canada is no exception. Dont stereotype the entire country for the ignorance of a few.
Again, sorry for the rage rant.
I think this poor soul will have a bad experience where'er he or she may go... as well all know: "What you put out there comes back to you." I am not saying there is not prejudice (I refuse to use the word racism as I have issues with race being a 19th century idea); there is. However, to call all people of a European background "anglo skinheads" reflects a over generalization due to, no doubt, a few bad experiences. However, this overgeneralized way of thinking does not create a better world but creates more misunderstanding, prejudice and conflict.
Yes, Canadians don't want to be called "American". I am not sure whether this is a inferiority complex, but as a Canadian I cannot totally assume that I am without prejudice on the topic. Yet, most countries within close proximity have issues with each other: New Zealanders don't want to be called Australian; Austrians don't want to be called German; Chinese don't want to be called Japanese or Korean; Pakistani don't want to be called Saudi.... and the list goes on and on....
I am not too sure what killing seals has to do with anything as I (nor anyone in my family) has killed a seal. However, I do believe that history does show that the "burning of Toronto"... um think this is the Battle of York in 1812/ 1813, is when Canada was actually NOT Canada but a province of British North American enacted Dec 26, 1791. Canada was not officially an independent country until 1867. Moreover, the author forgot to point out that in 1814 these same people... whether Canadian or whoever... burnt down the White House in the Burning of Washington during the same conflict.
My final word is ... I hope life gets better my friend because with all that vileness built up inside... it is going to be a rough ride if you can't get rid of it.
You dirty hosers! A canadian is the skid mark on the underpants of society.
-John Tolbert
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