As I am writing on my blog I often wish for a little tiny image to insert where ever it seems appropriate. (Usually whatever face MY face is doing as I type..)
Since I have not found these as of yet I figured I could invent some of my very own personalized acronyms just for “our” use *coy wink* (that would be CW)
It would be something like this...
ER *eye roll*
BER *Big Eye roll*
Would be the two most often used… For the reading of funny stuff of others there would be…
GROL!! *Guffaw Right Out Loud!!*
SUMB *Snicker Under My Breath*…
And in the most extreme
OMG-IPMP…yes you guessed it *Oh MY GOD I’m Peeing My Pants!!!*
Or for those pieces that touch you and make you want to reach out and hug a fellow blogger
BWH *Big Warm Hug* or
FFYK *Feel For Ya Kid*…
And for self amused moments…
SIF *Shit I’m Funny* or
WTW *WOW that’s witty* or even…
DIG*Damn I’m Good*
And finally there would HAVE to be …
GFCISD for *GeeZUZ Freakin Christ I’m SOO Dyslexic* (that's after the 12th spell check… )
I have been thinking about the way blogging is and will continue to change the literary world as we know it. Those of us today who are writing prolifically 200 years ago would not have even known how to read let alone write. Now not only doing that but some of us are even influencing and shaping popular culture. The speed at which we can communicate and the scope and accessibility of readership both for reader and writer is mind bending. In a matter of seconds we can access information of almost any scope. I can only think that the evolution and the development of thought in the literary world will speed up at an unimaginable pace. How very exciting...maybe a little scary, it feels like uncharted waters and at the same moment exciting to be in the middle of it... No?
At the same time written penmanship is becoming less important, my handwriting has degenerated to not much more than a scrawl and as computer culture further encroaches our world I can't help but wonder how computer lingo (the normal stuff) will change our language. Acronyms are cool but I never imagined the scope of use until I checked out an Acronym dictionary online... Not only is there a whole culture of language but subcultures again depending on the user...check it out...
GROL! Love your acronyms (and your resolutions too).
Yes it's true...the english language is ever evolving and now with computers to consider there is a whole new twist: The acronym...
I like your *suggestions*
You are creative.
My favourites - SIF and GFCISD.
For the pictures of you as you write, what about these?
Little sketches I've seen around here and there....
I don't know
DYAG *Damn you are good*
ICTOAWTS <-- I Can't Think Of Anything Witty To Say.
Hey I guess I forgot the most important one...
Thanks for reading!!
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