






(phew.....almost done....)



How is everyone else's last week before Christmas going??


Beth said...

You forgot to add in the usual - laundry, grocery shopping, cooking meals, cleaning...
How the hell do we get this all done?
I'm still baking, the tree isn't decorated and I have a ton of gifts to wrap. Other than that, I'm just fine!

Anonymous said...

I started baking last night. My stove and oven stopped working in the middle of it all. No one will even look at it until Friday. Who knows if they can fix it? The whole family is coming on Sunday for Christmas. How do you microwave a turkey?

Nomad said...

HI Beth...gee your right...
I always get really panicky right about now and since I am in the "no Sh*t" decade (40+)(just barely but anyway) I am wondering why I always try so hard to pull it all together...
I am sure you'll manage to get everything done and still have time for the Baily's at the end...one of my favourites...

Monique...ok so you gotta figure out which is cheaper, takeout turkey or a new stove...
Nice talking to you!!

oreneta said...

Sums it up pretty neatly I'd say...

Unknown said...

My Christmas preparations are going fine. They generally involve me watching my wife Bake.

Anonymous said...

my baking has sucked! I threw out 2 batches of gingerbread dough, it was like sand and wouldn't stay together!! Help me nomad!

Anonymous said...

You took time out to pee, eat and sleep? C'mon you can do better than that...

That's what Depends, Snickers and coffee are for.

Just sayin'



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Paris, France
A Canadian expatriate living and exploring first France now Germany, then BACK to FRANCE (!!!) with her family; former fashion designer, turned unexpected UNLIKELY NOMAD, raising two children, writing, photographing, painting, playing piano (who knew!!) and blogging - and now... full time student at ART SCHOOL!! (I MUST be crazy!!)