
Yeah it will be good...

Yes indeed it will be VERY nice to be moving to a new environment, and for sure it is very nice to know what we are doing….

I am thinking about;
Having our own yard, with a pond.
Having a big kitchen with an attached dining room and an ISLAND…where we will have room to cook whatever our gluttonous little hearts desire,
Having a great big basement to fix furniture and cache junk (favorite pastime),
Having our VERY-OWN private backyard to entertain in, deadhead flowers in my pajamas in (if I want so there…), do Yoga in if I so desire, sunbathe in, yell at my kids in private, barbeque, read a book quietly, plant a garden, grow tomatoes, cut the grass, run around in our bare feet, pitch the kids OUTSIDE when they are driving me bonkers…
Having room for my elyptical machine so I can get rid of some of this lard attached to my ass…
An outdoor clothesline so I can dry the kids sheets outside…yum smells so good,
Having a room for each kid so they can have their own personal space,
A nice big forest next door to cycle in (why do I see a dog in the future…),
Go the fitness centre that is apparently 1 km from the house,
Take the train into the centre of the big town to SHOP-SHOP-SHOP…
Have the kids at a school at which they speak my language so I can actually talk to and get to know and socialize with some parents…
Walk down town in our little village to shop at the market or go for ice cream…
Have a great big harvest table with a huge cupboard full of art stuff so we can all paint and glue and color and sculpt ourselves silly…

Yeah it will be good.


Anonymous said...

this sounds so great, I'm thinking of moving in! Can't wait to visit.

Beth said...

Each of your "thoughts" as to what will be are simple and lovely.
Put all together - what a fabulous dream to look forward to!
(Maybe not the fitness centre??? - way too close...)

Anonymous said...

I love your list! Everything sounds so great! I am so excited for you all. What a great new adventure.

Unknown said...

I wish I had an island in my kitchen. Now I need to remodel my kitchen so it has an island.

Kari Lee Townsend said...

So exciting. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous! Two weeks huh? That's kind of close but knowing you...you will pull it off with style:)

Nomad said...

Hey Eva D...or is the Diva E...
love that moniker...you are welcome anytime girlfriend!!

Beth...ya you may be right about the fitmess centre...

Sarah!!! *sigh* wish you were going to be there too!!

DD..you have remodelitis... ;-)

Kari lee, Nice to see you thanks for stopping by!!

Trisha!!How was the bum-sunning??
I always tell TBG I really need a little sand in between the cheeks of my *ss when I need some sun or...sex on the beach or whatever...*mutter mutter*
Gosh hope it was awesome!

oreneta said...

Yeah, I hear you about a private yard.....claustrophobic Europe may recede a step or two...


My photo
Paris, France
A Canadian expatriate living and exploring first France now Germany, then BACK to FRANCE (!!!) with her family; former fashion designer, turned unexpected UNLIKELY NOMAD, raising two children, writing, photographing, painting, playing piano (who knew!!) and blogging - and now... full time student at ART SCHOOL!! (I MUST be crazy!!)