Dont' Hold Yor Breath!!
*Sorry about the lapse!!*
Just took a quick peek at everyone’s blogs and I can see you have all been steaming ahead right on schedule…gosh you all write so well… *envy* and I do LOVE reading you all!!
Lots of goofy things to write about…but alas later.
Why is it that when the computer is not available the ideas expound and when it lurks things dry up? Normal I guess…or maybe that when the computer is lurking it is because I need to GET OUT MORE…I need a tape recorder…now that would be a bit obsessive would it not!!!
Just returned from Chicago today …the treatments went well (not a drug user but I must confess I do love occasional and doc supervised use of prescription narcotics…sort of like a quick and inexpensive in office beach holiday…) and am as black and blue as ever with an additional treatment on my collar bone. Sort of feels like I met up with Mike Tyson somewhere along the line and he pile drove one right into the clavicle…**ouch**
Docs say progress is VG so I am most pleased. I received a good sound scolding from the nurse though…definitely time to get back into the saddle or at least the elliptical machine as it were.
TBG hopefully closing a deal on a house tomorrow…so I will spill ALL the beans when it happens…don’t hold your breath though...
I’ll do that for you.
Just took a quick peek at everyone’s blogs and I can see you have all been steaming ahead right on schedule…gosh you all write so well… *envy* and I do LOVE reading you all!!
Lots of goofy things to write about…but alas later.
Why is it that when the computer is not available the ideas expound and when it lurks things dry up? Normal I guess…or maybe that when the computer is lurking it is because I need to GET OUT MORE…I need a tape recorder…now that would be a bit obsessive would it not!!!
Just returned from Chicago today …the treatments went well (not a drug user but I must confess I do love occasional and doc supervised use of prescription narcotics…sort of like a quick and inexpensive in office beach holiday…) and am as black and blue as ever with an additional treatment on my collar bone. Sort of feels like I met up with Mike Tyson somewhere along the line and he pile drove one right into the clavicle…**ouch**
Docs say progress is VG so I am most pleased. I received a good sound scolding from the nurse though…definitely time to get back into the saddle or at least the elliptical machine as it were.
TBG hopefully closing a deal on a house tomorrow…so I will spill ALL the beans when it happens…don’t hold your breath though...
I’ll do that for you.
You're back! Missed you.
So glad the treatments went well. (A friend of mine had morphine once - absolutely loved it...)
Looking forward to reading all about your "goofy things."
it was great to see you in chicago!
Glad you made it home safely. I'm off to TO tomorrow.
So that's what you've been upto...you must be racking up those air miles. I can't even imagine.
Glad it's all working out.
Please don't hold your breath too long.... Glad it went well.
So, ya comin'?
But I want to hear about the goofy things NOOOW!!!!!
Aaah, legalized narcotics. Can anything be sweeter?
Thanks Beth!
Gosh I am too tired even to remember the goofy things...but I'll try...
Good to see you too E...hope you can come with the new MAN...
Trish...you don't want to imagine...homebody is GOOD...
Orenta..you are too funny...I can just see you saying that.. and YES!!! We are...!
Yes DD..sweet sweet it is...
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