

Whenever I finish typing something I always have this little pile of letters, punctuation marks and spaces left over at the end that I must erase.

Sort of like the the scraps of cloth left on the floor after a sewing project or what ends up in my dustpan after cleaning under the kids dresser; bits of bunnydust, broken Lego parts and Polly Pocket shoes.

Even like the extra little bits of leftover pastry from making a pie.

There must be a name for this collection of verbal flotsam and jetsam I end up with, maybe even a hidden purpose??

I hope that in erasing them I am doing the right thing and that they are not some Davinci-code-esq message from deep within my consciousness meant to simplify (or further complicate) my life, or god forbid a message from someone...

(egads...never even thought about that.)

Maybe there is a way to save them and use them later.... (No, I did not just watch the Beautiful Mind...but what a great film no?)

Let's see...

Alphagloop...(noooo...... too sticky)

Punctalitero...(hmmm too Latin)

Stuccoperiodo...(too much like Beth's most embarrassing things list plus too Italian)

I know...."Extrillius punctuatum" "EP" for short.


Boy I REALLY do need a life...


oreneta said...

I don't get extrillius punctuatum. what am I doing wrong? Is it possible to have EP envy? Could I fake it like this??;.'';,,.l

Nomad said...

Chortle snuck...

Ya but ..I could tell you faked it...

(I'll TRY to teach you...but you might have to be hopelessly dyslexic AND a wildly bad typist with fat fingers like myself)



Anonymous said...

Trish here...

I'd go for the Alphagloop or "AG" for short.

LOL the things you come up with!

Unknown said...

I believe these marks ARE a hidden code. They're telling you to send Dorky Dad lots of money.

Anonymous said...

you need to write that book!!!!!!

Nomad said...

Eva...is that so I can shut the h*ll up and stop writing stupid cr*p like this or you actually think I might have a chance?

(to self...what would I ever write aobut??)

PS is "" there yet?
Waiting with baited breath...
(update required...)

Anonymous said...

oh come on! You can write a story about two women in their twenties, and the crazy life they had together.
Hmmmm, wait this sounds familar!


My photo
Paris, France
A Canadian expatriate living and exploring first France now Germany, then BACK to FRANCE (!!!) with her family; former fashion designer, turned unexpected UNLIKELY NOMAD, raising two children, writing, photographing, painting, playing piano (who knew!!) and blogging - and now... full time student at ART SCHOOL!! (I MUST be crazy!!)